One page checkout virtuemart
One page checkout virtuemart

Returning customers can, of course, reuse their address. The shipment and payment methods can have different conditions so that a customer sees only ways that are available for him (by weight, zip, country, currency, payment amount, shopper group, and so on). This can also be done automatically by IP with an extension for pocket money.

one page checkout virtuemart

If the customers come mainly from a default country, it can be pre-filled. The cart can be adjusted to the customers' needs. Different templates and/or extensions allow for single or multiple page checkout. The cart checkout allows you to checkout with or without an account.

one page checkout virtuemart

Multiple currency allows your customers to view product prices in their own currency and helps to decide faster if the product is in the desired price range. Or returning customers directly get a discount of 5%. For example, B2C customer sees the prices with tax, while B2B customers sees the prices directly without tax. It can change the price display/format/calculation for them. Shopper groups individualize the shopping experience. The native review and rating system is enhancing the customer experience and gives them a guideline if the product is the right item for them. Multiple media (images, PDFs, videos.) give the customer a proper oversight of the product. A long description is also available for the interested customer on a product details page. The short description gives a fast oversight while browsing the store. Different templates and layouts per category can create various look and feel. Nested categories help your customer get the structure of the shop. Features include:Ĭustomers will feel welcome as they are greeted in their native language. Also, it is easy to use for all types of users – beginner to expert. It offers thousands of built-in features to create a professional store. Since 2004, VirtueMart is one of the best configurable and customizable multi-language eCommerce solutions for Joomla.

One page checkout virtuemart